Best The Man from Snowy River in Best Look.
Now you can see The Man from Snowy River in top video format with duration 104 Min and has been aired on 1982-11-05 with MPAA rating is 12.- Movie Title : The Man from Snowy River
- Genres of movie : Drama, Action, Western, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1982-11-05
- Companies of movie : Cambridge Productions,
- Countries of movie : Australia,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 104 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.1
- Youtube ID of movie : 08rdCBgP-GY
- Translation of movie : EN,CS,CS,FR,IT,ZH,ES,
- Cast of movie :Tom Burlinson (Jim Craig), Terence Donovan (Henry Craig), Kirk Douglas (Harrison / Spur), Tommy Dysart (Mountain Man), Bruce Kerr (Man in Street), David Bradshaw (Banjo Paterson), Sigrid Thornton (Jessica Harrison), Jack Thompson (Clancy), Tony Bonner (Kane), June Jago (Mrs. Bailey), Chris Haywood (Curly), Kristopher Steele (Moss), Gus Mercurio (Frew), Howard Eynon (Short Man), Lorraine Bayly (Rosemary Hume)
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Movie plot of :
Full Length of The Man from Snowy River in HD Format with movie plot "Jim Craig has lived his first 18 years in the mountains of Australia on his father's farm. The death of his father forces him to go to the low lands to earn enough money to get the farm back on its feet. Kirk Douglas plays two roles as twin brothers who haven't spoken for years, one of whom was Jim's father's best friend and the other of whom is the father of the girl he wants to marry." in high definition format. Best The Man from Snowy River in HD Video.
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Director : George T. Miller, Poem : A.B. 'Banjo' Paterson, Script : Cul Cullen, Screenplay : John Dixon
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