Full Streaming Death Rides a Horse in Best Look.
Now you can see Death Rides a Horse in HD format with duration 114 Min and was released on 1967-08-31 with MPAA rating is 6.- Movie Title : Da uomo a uomo
- Genres of movie : Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1967-08-31
- Companies of movie : PEC,
- Countries of movie : Italy,
- Language of movie : Italiano,
- Durationof movie : 114 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : kc5pDgVwqKs
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,DE,NL,IT,ES,ZH,HU,RU,
- Actors of movie :Lee Van Cleef (Ryan), John Phillip Law (Bill Meceita), Mario Brega (One-Eye (Paco)), Luigi Pistilli (Walcott - The Bandit Leader), José Torres (Pedro), Anthony Dawson (Burt Cavanaugh), Franco Balducci (Sheriff), Guglielmo Spoletini (Manuel - Walcott's Henchmen), Bruno Corazzari (Walcott's Accomplice), Angelo Susani (Walcott Henchman), Felicita Fanny (Village girl), Giuseppe Castellano (Sheriff), Ignazio Leone (Shepherd), Romano Puppo (Deputy Sheriff)
Movie summary of :
Full Streaming Death Rides a Horse in HD Quality with movie summary "Death Rides a Horse (aka Da uomo a uomo, or As Man to Man) is a 1967 spaghetti western directed by Giulio Petroni, written by Luciano Vincenzoni, and starring Lee Van Cleef and John Phillip Law. Bill Meceita, a boy whose family was murdered in front of him by a gang, sets out 15 years later to exact revenge. On his journey, he finds himself continually sparring and occasionally cooperating with Ryan, a gunfighter on his own quest for vengeance, who knows more than he says about Bill's tragedy. The film has lapsed into public domain." in HD quality. Release Death Rides a Horse in HD Video.
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Director : Giulio Petroni, Writer : Luciano Vincenzoni, Cinematography : Carlo Carlini, Original Music Composer : Ennio Morricone, Editor : Eraldo Da Roma, Producer : Henryk Chrosicki, Producer : Alfonso Sansone, Production Design : Franco Bottari, Camera Operator : Carlo Carlini, Camera Operator : Gastone Di Giovanni
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