Play Full The Professionals in High Quality Video.
Now you can see The Professionals in high quality with duration 117 Min and was published in 1966-01-01 with MPAA rating is 12.- Movie Title : The Professionals
- Genres of movie : Action, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1966-01-01
- Companies of movie : Columbia Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Español, English,
- Durationof movie : 117 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6
- Youtube ID of movie : qD07cao4O2k
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,ES,TR,FR,EL,PT,
- Actors of movie :Burt Lancaster (Bill Dolworth), Lee Marvin (Henry 'Rico' Fardan), Robert Ryan (Hans Ehrengard), Woody Strode (Jake Sharp), Jack Palance (Jesus Raza), Claudia Cardinale (Mrs. Maria Grant), Ralph Bellamy (Joe Grant), Joe De Santis (Ortega), Rafael Bertrand (Fierro), Jorge Martínez de Hoyos (Eduardo Padilla - Goatkeeper (as Jorge Martinez de Hoyos)), Marie Gomez (Chiquita), José Chávez (Revolutionary (as Jose Chavez)), Carlos Romero (Revolutionary), Vaughn Taylor (Grant's Banker)
Movie synopsis of :
Watch full The Professionals in HD Quality with movie summary "The Professionals is a 1966 American Western film directed by Richard Brooks. A kidnap-rescue adventure set in about 1917, it features a small group of experts heading into Mexico to free the Mexican-born wife of a wealthy Texan from several hundred bandits. The film is based on the novel A Mule for the Marquesa by Frank O'Rourke." in High Quality Video. Full Streaming The Professionals in High Quality Video.
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Now you can watch full The Professionals in top quality. Enjoy The Professionals video with single fill out the style by exploring the image of the sign in place button. Enjoy each of the albums brand-new movie having all much-loved movie buffering! just play this movie The Professionals this time for full access this online movie. That is truly spectacular and can among those rare remarkable. The good quality was great all over. Management, images and visible effects were being all really innovative along with brilliant. The pleasure on the script, often humorous and contains a lot of heart for many his characters are very ripped.
Director : Richard Brooks, Novel : Frank O'Rourke, Original Music Composer : Maurice Jarre, Editor : Peter Zinner, Set Decoration : Frank Tuttle, Producer : Richard Brooks, Writer : Richard Brooks, Art Direction : Ted Haworth, Director of Photography : Conrad L. Hall
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