Full Length of A Genius, Two Friends, and an Idiot in High Definition Format.
Now you can play full A Genius, Two Friends, and an Idiot in high quality with duration 117 Min and has been launched in 1975-12-19 and MPAA rating is 9.- Movie Title : Un genio, due compari, un pollo
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1975-12-19
- Companies of movie : Rafran Cinematografica, AMLF, Rialto Film Preben-Philipsen,
- Countries of movie : Germany, France, Italy,
- Language of movie : Italiano,
- Durationof movie : 117 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.9
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,IT,HU,NL,ES,CS,TR,DA,
- Cast of movie :Terence Hill (Joe Thanks), Miou-Miou (Lucy), Robert Charlebois (Bill Locomotiva), Patrick McGoohan (Major Cabot), Raimund Harmstorf (Sergeant Milton), Piero Vida (Jacky Roll), Rik Battaglia (Captain), Mario Valgoi (Thomas Trader), Mario Brega (Coach Driver), Friedrich von Ledebur (Don Felipe), Jean Martin (Colonel Pembroke), Klaus Kinski (Doc Foster), Benito Stefanelli (Mortimer), GĂ©rard Boucaron (Village Idiot)
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Movie synopsis of :
Free A Genius, Two Friends, and an Idiot in HD Format with movie synopsis "Three rogues set out to rob $300,000 from an Indian-hating cavalry major." in top video format. Release A Genius, Two Friends, and an Idiot in High Definition Format.
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Director : Damiano Damiani, Screenplay : Damiano Damiani, Director : Sergio Leone, Screenplay : Ernesto Gastaldi, Screenplay : Fulvio Morsella, Producer : Claudio Mancini, Producer : Fulvio Morsella, Executive Producer : Sergio Leone, Original Music Composer : Ennio Morricone, Director of Photography : Giuseppe Ruzzolini, Editor : Nino Baragli, Story : Ernesto Gastaldi, Story : Fulvio Morsella, Production Design : Francesco Bronzi, Production Design : Carlo Simi
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