Watch Movie The Return of a Man Called Horse For Free.
Full Movie The Return of a Man Called Horse Movie Streaming with duration 129 Min and broadcast on 1976-06-28 and MPAA rating is 2.- Movie Title : The Return of a Man Called Horse
- Genres of movie : Action, Drama, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1976-06-28
- Companies of movie : Sandy Howard Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 129 Min
- Average vote of movie : 3.3
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,NL,FR,ES,DE,IT,PT,
- Actors of movie :Richard Harris (John Morgan / Horse), Gale Sondergaard (Elk Woman), Geoffrey Lewis (Zenas), Jorge Luke (Running Bull), Jorge Russek (Blacksmith), Claudio Brook (Chemin De Fer), Enrique Lucero (Raven), William Lucking (Tom Gryce), Regino Herrera (Lame Wolf), Pedro Damián (Standing Bear), Humberto López (Thin Dog), Alberto Mariscal (Red Cloud), Eugenia Dolores (Brown Dove), Patricia Reyes Spíndola (Gray Thorn), Ana De Sade (Moon Star)
Movie plot of :
Full The Return of a Man Called Horse in High Definition Format with movie summary "Lord John Morgan has returned to civilized life in England, but finds he has nothing but disdain for that life. Yearning to embrace the simplicity of the American West-and the Yellow Hands Sioux tribe he left behind, Morgan returns to the tribe's land only to discover that they've been decimated by ruthless, government-backed fur traders. They must regain their land, led by Horse." in top quality. Free The Return of a Man Called Horse in High Quality.
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Director : Irvin Kershner, Writer : Jack DeWitt, Executive Producer : Richard Harris, Producer : Terry Morse, Jr., Executive Producer : Sandy Howard, Producer : Theodore R. Parvin, Characters : Dorothy M. Johnson, Original Music Composer : Laurence Rosenthal, Editor : Michael Kahn, Casting : Lea Stalmaster, Production Design : W. Stewart Campbell, Director of Photography : Owen Roizman, Costume Design : Richard La Motte, Costume Design : Yvonne Wood
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