Free The Desperados in Best Quality.
Now you can see The Desperados in High Quality Video with duration 85 Min and was published in 1969-02-28 and MPAA rating is 0.- Movie Title : The Desperados
- Genres of movie : Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1969-02-28
- Companies of movie : Meadway Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 85 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,ES,DE,FR,
- Actors of movie :Jack Palance (Parson Josiah Galt), Vince Edwards (David Galt), Neville Brand (Marshal Kilpatrick), Sylvia Syms (Laura), Benjamin Edney (Pauly), Sheila Burrell (Emily Gault), Sheila Burrell (Emily Galt), George Maharis (Jacob Galt), Kate O'Mara (Adah), Christian Roberts (Adam Galt), Kenneth Cope (Carlin), Patrick Holt (Haller), Christopher Malcolm (Gregg)
Movie summary of :
Play full The Desperados in High Definition Format with movie synopsis "In the closing days of the Civil War, fanatical Parson Josiah Galt and his three sons, Adam, Jacob, and David, are leaders of a gang of southern marauders. Josiah, driven by his lust for revenge for the death of his Indian wife, attacks the Kansas town of St. Thomas. David, recalling his dead mother's prophecy of doom upon the family and repulsed by the carnage caused by his father and brothers, breaks with the gang after his brother Adam tries to rape one of the town's young girls. David is captured by his own men and brought before his father, who accuses him of treason and sentences him to be executed. David escapes, joins his wife, Laura, and together they flee to Texas, where they live for 6 years under an assumed name. After the war, Parson Galt and his sons continue to loot and pillage, and they eventually reach the Texas town where David, Laura, and their young son, Pauly, live." in HD quality. Watch full The Desperados in Top Quality.
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Director : Henry Levin, Screenplay : Walter Brough, Story : Clarke Reynolds, Producer : Irving Allen, Original Music Composer : David Whitaker, Director of Photography : Sam Leavitt, Art Direction : José Algueró
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