Play Full Barbary Coast in Best Video Format.
Now you can see Barbary Coast in top video format with duration 91 Min and has been aired on 1935-10-13 and MPAA rating is 1.- Movie Title : Barbary Coast
- Genres of movie : Action, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1935-10-13
- Companies of movie : Samuel Goldwyn Company, The,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 91 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,FR,IT,DE,
- Actors of movie :Miriam Hopkins (Mary 'Swan' Rutledge), Edward G. Robinson (Luis Chamalis), Joel McCrea (Jim Carmichael), Walter Brennan (Old Atrocity), Frank Craven (Col. Marcus Aurelius Cobb), Brian Donlevy (Knuckles Jacoby), Clyde Cook (Oakie), Harry Carey (Jed Slocum), Matt McHugh (Broncho), Donald Meek (Sawbuck McTavish), Rollo Lloyd (Wigham), J.M. Kerrigan (Judge Harper), Roger Gray (Sandy Ferguson), David Niven (Cockney Sailor Thrown Out of Saloon (uncredited)), Hank Worden (Barfly / Townsman (uncredited))
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Movie synopsis of :
Free Streaming Barbary Coast in HD Video with movie synopsis "Mary Rutledge arrives from the east, finds her fiance dead, and goes to work at the roulette wheel of Louis Charnalis' Bella Donna, a rowdy gambling house in San Francisco in the 1850s. She falls in love with miner Carmichael and takes his gold dust at the wheel. She goes after him, Louis goes after her with intent to harm Carmichael." in High Quality Video. Free Streaming Barbary Coast in HD Quality.
Director : Howard Hawks, Writer : Ben Hecht, Writer : Charles MacArthur, Producer : Samuel Goldwyn, Music : Alfred Newman, Editor : Edward Curtiss, Casting : Robert McIntyre, Art Direction : Richard Day, Costume Design : Omar Kiam, Sound Recordist : Frank Maher, Director of Photography : Ray June
Sure, now you can view movie connected with Barbary Coast in full length and have the link to this movie Barbary Coast in high definition format.