Full Length of The Proposition in Top Quality.
Now you can play full The Proposition in best video format with duration 104 Min and was released on 2005-10-06 and MPAA rating is 71.- Movie Title : The Proposition
- Genres of movie : Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Thriller, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2005-10-06
- Companies of movie : Autonomous, UK Film Council, Surefire Film Productions, Pictures in Paradise, Pacific Film and Television Commission, Film Consortium, National Lottery through UK Film Council,
- Countries of movie : Australia, United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 104 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.1
- Youtube ID of movie : G7V-CW_SUos
- Translation of movie : EN,CS,HU,PT,DE,FR,IT,SV,RU,ZH,ES,NL,TR,EL,RO,DA,
- Actors of movie :Guy Pearce (Charlie Burns), Ray Winstone (Captain Morris Stanley), Emily Watson (Martha Stanley), Danny Huston (Arthur Burns), David Wenham (Eden Fletcher), John Hurt (Jellon Lamb), Richard Wilson (Mike Burns), Noah Taylor (Brian O'Leary), Jeremy Madrona (Asian Prostitute), Jae Mamuyac (Asian Prostitute), Mick Roughan (Mad Jack Bradshaw), Shane Watt (John Gordon), Robert Morgan (Sergeant Lawrence), David Gulpilil (Jacko), Bryan Probets (Officer Dunn), Oliver Ackland (Patrick Hopkins), David Vallon (Tom Cox), Daniel Parker (Henry Clark)
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Movie summary of :
Best The Proposition in High Definition Format with movie plot "Set in the Australian outback in the 1880s, the movie follows the series of events following the horrific rape and murder of the Hopkins family, allegedly committed by the infamous Burns brothers gang. Captain Morris Stanley captures Charlie Burns and gives him 9 days to kill his older dangerous psychopathic brother, or else they'll hang his younger mentally slow brother on Christmas Day." in high definition format. Free The Proposition in High Quality Video.
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Director : John Hillcoat, Screenplay : Nick Cave, Music : Nick Cave, Music : Warren Ellis, Director of Photography : BenoƮt Delhomme, Editor : Jon Gregory, Production Design : Chris Kennedy, Executive Producer : James Atherton, Executive Producer : Chris Auty, Line Producer : Gina Black, Producer : Pam Collis, Executive Producer : Sara Giles, Executive Producer : Michael Hamlyn, Executive Producer : Michael Henry, Executive Producer : Norman Humphrey, Executive Producer : Robert Jones, Producer : Chiara Menage, Producer : Jackie O'Sullivan, Producer : Christopher Simon, Producer : Cat Villiers, Producer : Chris Brown, Casting : Nikki Barrett, Casting : Gary Davy, Costume Design : Margot Wilson
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